Bath 2024

Judge: Ms B Munson
Dog Challenge Certificate  Ch Charibere Simply The Sequel at Kaianna JW (Mrs C & Mr A J Kenyon & Ward)
Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate  Sabre Golden Ticket Du Pyrdanti (Imp Fra) (Mrs G Woolf)
Bitch Challenge Certificate  Ch Belshanmish Pretty in Pink at Pyrajay ShCM ShCEx VW (Mrs R S & Mr J R Thorne)
Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate  Febus Hardknott (Mrs S & Mr S Harris)
Best Of Breed  Ch Belshanmish Pretty in Pink at Pyrajay ShCM ShCEx VW (Mrs R S & Mr J R Thorne)
Best Puppy  Pafaxen A Million Dreams (Mr R & Miss C Bamford & Church)
Best Veteran  Ch Belshanmish Pretty in Pink at Pyrajay ShCM ShCEx VW (Mrs R S & Mr J R Thorne)
Best Special Beginner  Febus Hardknott (Mrs S & Mr S Harris)
Class 659. Puppy Dog
Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st  Pafaxen High in The Sky (Mr R & Miss C Bamford & Church)
Class  Junior Dog
Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st  Pafaxen High in The Sky (Mr R & Miss C Bamford & Church)
Class  Post Graduate Dog
Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st  Pafaxen High in The Sky (Mr R & Miss C Bamford & Church)
Class  Limit Dog
Entries: 2 Absentees: 1
1st  Sabre Golden Ticket Du Pyrdanti (Imp Fra) (Mrs G Woolf)
Class Open Dog
Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st  Ch Charibere Simply The Sequel at Kaianna JW (Mrs C & Mr A J Kenyon & Ward)
2nd  Jumicar Just An Illusion (Mrs J Carter)
3rd  Ch Gillandant Thief of Hearts at Dewyche (Mrs G P & Mrs K M E Pollard & Maggs)
Class  Special Beginners
Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st  Febus Hardknott (Mrs S & Mr S Harris)
2nd  Aurvandill Freya's Thyra (Miss Bc Stephens)
Class  Veteran
Entries: 5 Absentees: 1
1st  Ch Belshanmish Pretty in Pink at Pyrajay ShCM ShCEx VW (Mrs R S & Mr J R Thorne)
2nd  Ch/swiss/ir/multi/int Ch Lisjovia Boris Bear at Darmaror JW ShCM ShCEx Cw19 (Lady S Reilly)
3rd  Pyroni Colours of The Wind for Myatoksci (Imp Can) (Mrs D E Cochrane)
Res  Kricarno Kinetic (Mr & Mrs Stratton-Baldwin)
Class  Puppy Bitch
Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st  Pafaxen A Million Dreams (Mr R & Miss C Bamford & Church)
2nd  Uttara Du Pyrdanti Myatoksci (Imp Fra) (Mrs D E Cochrane)
Class  Junior Bitch
Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st  Charibere Reason to Dream at Kaianna (Mrs C & Mr A J Kenyon & Ward)
2nd  Aurvandill Freya's Thyra (Miss Bc Stephens)
3rd  Pafaxen A Million Dreams (Mr R & Miss C Bamford & Church)
Class  Post Graduate Bitch
Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st  Aurvandill Freya's Thyra (Miss Bc Stephens)
2nd  Lisjovia Love On The Rocks for Myatoksci (Mrs D E Cochrane)
3rd  Pafaxen A Million Dreams (Mr R & Miss C Bamford & Church)
Class  Limit Bitch
Entries: 5 Absentees: 1
1st  Febus Hardknott (Mrs S & Mr S Harris)
2nd  Belshanmish New Sensation at Pyrajay JW (Mrs R S & Mr J R Thorne)
3rd  Jumicar Moonstone (Mrs J Carter)
Res  Kalkasi Just Imperial at Lakamoni (M Flounders)
Class  Open Bitch
Entries: 2 Absentees: 1
1st  Ch Lisjovia White Lady avec Montmusique JW (Mr C & Mrs K Goodwin)