PMDC of GB Championship Show 2024.

Judge  Sandra Gibson  FEBUS

I would like to thank the Committee, Officers and most importantly the exhibitors who gave me the opportunity to ‘judge’ their dogs. The show this year was held in conjunction with National Working Breeds…the weather was kind, the rings perfectly manicured and of super-size to move the exhibits. Thank you Patricia for your ‘stewarding’ as organised as ever. Thank you very much for my lovely gift from the Club it will take pride of place.

Since my last judging assignment I feel ‘head shape’ has improved significantly but pigment must be carefully monitored. Rear angulation has improved but ‘less than perfect’ front is starting to become the norm. I think the breed as a whole is getting smaller and again this must be seen as a negative. Movement whether good or not so good in the majority of exhibitors is laboured and lack either fitness or ‘enjoyment’ when in the ring. It was particular encouraging to see new exhibitors in the ring from here and abroad.

1.WATERS Mrs Lesley. Zagal De Alba De Los Danzantes with Sketrick (Imp ESP)
What a way to start the day, this dog certainly ‘set the bar’. He certainly is a Imposing dog of great size and oozes the Pyrenean Expression. From above the blunt V is easily identified and on examination the skull ‘flowed’ This elegant head is enhanced with excellent pigment throughout and to complete the picture the lower lips are tight so the signature smile is apparent. His head is held proudly on a strong fairly short neck. He has powerful shoulders lying close to the body and is well muscled throughout his body. His forequarters are of the size needed for this imposing male but not overdone. I would describe his forelegs as straight but not ‘perfectly straight’ and for preference would like smaller front feet. His body is of the correct dimensions which showcased a strong muscular top line. Hindquarters of correct angulation. His coat was profuse of the correct texture. He moves with purpose and strength around the ring , preferring his rear to fore ‘action’ and the picture is finished seeing his tail carried. Delighted to award him his crowning CC and Best in Show. A excellent example of the breed.
2.HOLMES, Miss L Ch Lisjovia Estevez Jw Shcm Shcex VW . Completely different type to 1, but not a male to ignore. Even though heavier in type and for my preference. His construction throughout can’t be ignored. His fore is strong and powerful and his legs are straight and parallel, preferred the compact feet of 2 over 1. Short compact neck, well- muscled straight top line excellent rear quarters of correct angulation. His head piece has more of a ‘obvious stop’ and deeper muzzle than one. He has a ‘lovely eye’ of correct colour and shape and oozes a ‘kind expression’ Preferred the lip line of 1. At one with handler but today he would of preferred a smaller ring.
1. CHANG Ms E. Ooneladream Born to Run
. Just over 1 year old and has the ‘beginnings’ of a lovely example of the breed. For preference would like more size for a male. He has a good forequarter, legs straight and parallel of sufficient bone. Short compact neck, top line at this time not as straight as required, rear quarters of good angulation. His head is his ‘forte’ and at this point nothing I would change. Coat of good texture. Moved well fore and rear covering the ground at ease. Using his tail over the back the ‘icing on the cake’ Presented well and a new partnership learning well together in the ring
1. CHANG Ms E. Ooneladream Born to Run
1. MUNSON, Mrs Babs & MUNSON, Mr Richard John Travis Bear Du Pyrdanti For Pyrbern (imp Fra)
. Approaching his 2nd birthday a male of excellent size. Pleasing head in terms of overall shape enhanced with excellent pigment throughout. Good eye shape and colour. Top lip ok, but lower lip loose which alters the overall expression. Neck short and compact, topline straight and sufficiently muscled. Forequarters of sufficient bone but forelegs need to be straighter. Rear angulation moderate, from the rear somewhat cow – hocked which effects the rear movement in terms of closeness behind and ‘drive’ His coat was profuse of good texture.
1. WOOLF, Mrs Gina Sabre Golden Ticket Du Pyrdanti (Imp) FRA)
A male maturing well at 3 years old. He has a really lovely head and has everything to equate to the ‘pyrie expression’ Forequarters of good construction, forelegs of sufficient bone but another where legs could be more straight and parallel, good compact feet. Topline well- muscled and straight, rear angulations moderate. On the move rear preferred to fore as front legs crossing coming towards, on the move a ‘little disorganised’ today. Coat of good texture.
2. CHALLINOR, Mrs Melissa & CHALLINOR, Mr Matthew Shanlimore Marvin. A dog that very much ‘works at one’ with handler. I preferred the overall head shape of 1. This boy has a more apparent ‘stop’ however, I must compliment the tightest of lip line. Forequarters of good construction, legs straighter and parallel, would prefer more strength in front pastern. Rear angulation is a ‘little straight’. Shown in his ‘summer coat’ today.
OPEN DOG (5/2)
1. POLLARD & MAGGS MRS GILL & KATHY. Ch Gillandant Thief of Hearts at Dewyche
To be honest I perhaps haven’t appreciated the attributes of this male until I went over him today. He has the ‘loveliest’ of heads with everything that equates to the ‘majestic expression’ His neck is short and strong, set on forequarters of good construction with legs that are straight and parallel and feet that are short and compact. He has a ‘good width of chest’ Top line straight and well-muscled and rear quarters of correct angulation. Looking at him in profile he is very deep in rib but when you get your hands ‘on him’ its his ‘coat’ that is giving this impression rather than construction. His coat could be ‘less’ profuse but it is of good texture. He flowed around the ring covering the ring well. The overall height and ‘grandeur ‘of 1. tipped the balance today.
2. TIJTGAT, Mr Alain Maurice Julien & AKURASSAGE, Mr. Multi Ch Qamar Du Grand Tendre . The partnership and showmanship between dog and handler gives a wonderful ‘presence’ within the ring and demands attention. Another male today which has the ‘correct skull shape’ and my hands flowed through a smooth unbroken line. Excellent eye both in terms of shape and colour, good ear placement and size. Top lip of correct fit but looser lower lip significantly detracts from the final detail of overall expression. Short muscular neck, forequarters of good construction. Front legs straight and parallel, the best of feet. Excellent bone. Shorter in back than 1, which effects the rear stride. Correct rear angulation. Better coat in type to 1, good texture. Nice to see a pyrie use his tail in the preferred ‘wheel’ on the move.
3. BAVERSTOCK, Mr & Mrs Yvonne & Ian Kalkasi Just Because JW. A medium sized male also shorter in back than 1. A ‘pleasant’ headpiece but from the front a little more ‘domed’ than ‘curved’. Good ‘eye’ in terms of placement and shape. Correctly sized ear and placement, preferred lipline of 1 and pigment of 1 and 2. Good forequarter construction, sufficient bone throughout . preferred feet of 1 and 2. Coat of good texture and well presented. Moved well around the ring

1. KENNEDY, Mrs Tracy & KENNEDY, Mrs PJ Gamuvel Patou Valkyrie At Pyrcot (Imp LVA)
. In profile this youngster has all the proportions you’d be looking for. Good height. Correct fore and rear angulations. Level topline. Bone of good size for overall size. Her front is straight and parallel and chest of sufficient width. Her head is ‘feminine’ and shows the ‘desired V’ from above. For preference would prefer a ‘smaller eye’ however colour and placement is fine. Pigment good throughout. Would prefer a ‘tighter lip’. The ‘time’ of the day affected her movement as it lacked ‘rear drive’ Overall presented very well.
1. KENYON, Mrs Christine & WARD, MR ARTHUR Charibere Reason To Dream At Kaianna JW
2. BAVERSTOCK, Mrs Yvonne & BAVERSTOCK, Mr Ian Kalkasi Super Special. These young ladies are very similar in age and it’s the ‘time’ just before they ‘plume’ Both girls narrow in head at this point. I prefer the ‘smaller eye’ and ‘oblique’ placing of 1. Straight parallel forelegs and shoulder angulation preferred in 2. Pigment of 1 tipped the balance of placement. Neither enthused in movement today and 1 was spying on mum and dad. Pleasant females.
1. BAVERSTOCK, Mrs Yvonne & BAVERSTOCK, Mr Ian Kalkasi Super Special
2. MCBAIN Miss S. Polar Light Pride of America (IMP USA)
Head shape a little dome rather than curved and ear larger than preferred. However, her overall expression is quite attractive. Preferred rear angulation of 1. Shown in her bikini today so everything accentuated to be fair. Neither showed the ‘best of movement’ today, but both ‘sound’.
1. COLES, Miss S M Gillandant Jasmine
. A lovely female in profile. Correct fore and rear angulations. Topline straight but tends to slope into shoulder. Front legs straight and parallel for preference would like a more compact foot. Good width of chest. Very attractive headpiece but rounder in ‘eye’. In excellent coat of correct texture. Presented and handled well.
2. BAVERSTOCK, Mrs Yvonne & BAVERSTOCK, Mr Ian Kalkasi Super Special
3. MCBAIN, Miss Suzie Miss Lisa Polar Light Pride Of America (imp USA)
1. COLES, Miss S M Gillandant Jasmine
2. BAVERSTOCK, Mrs Yvonne & BAVERSTOCK, Mr Ian Kalkasi Super Special
1. FLOUNDERS, Mr M Kalkasi Just Imperial At Lakamoni
A good sized female. Forequarters of good construction. Forelegs straight and parallel (actually best of day) Chest width sufficient. Topline slightly sloping. Rear angulation moderate. Correct depth of rib. Coat at a midway stage. Expression not as ‘soft’ due to larger eye not quite obliquely set. Deeper muzzle than preferred. Good pigment. Preferred fore movement to rear as a little close behind. As with a lot of exhibits today ‘reach’ not particularly demonstrated but has wonderful tail carriage. Well presented.
1. POLLARD, Mrs G Ch Gillandant Simply The Best
. Possibly, one of the most interesting pyries I have ever judged. In profile everything is balanced and nothing exaggerated. Correct fore and rear. Her head ticks all the boxes but it is her best kept secret. Her coat was sufficient of good texture. Lovely to watch her move away and uses tail well, which is always lovely to see. Then when ‘she moves towards you’ her expression comes to life….as she moves towards you the elegance and beauty’ of her expression comes to life. No hesitation in awarding her the Challenge Certificate and Best Opposite Sex.
2. THORNE, Mr & Mrs Jay. Belshanmish New Sensation at Pyrajay JW Smaller female than 1. In profile very well balanced. A very feminine expression but overall would benefit from a tighter lip and better pigment on lower lip. Her ‘forte’ is her movement. At the correct speed it is faultless fore and rear and she moves with ‘power and drive’ in all directions. On the first movement into the ring when going a little fast she tends to over curl her tail incorrectly. When it was her time to be examined and moved in all patterns her tail carriage complemented her overall outline. She is taking time to mature and her ‘time will come’ Reserve CC.
3. POLLARD, Mrs G Ch Gillandant Ophelia. I met this lovely girl as a ‘puppy’ when I awarded her the Res CC. A very pretty female of the type you would anticipate from this kernel. Beautifully presented in excellent coat. Preferred the ‘eye colour’ and ‘movement of 1 & 2. None the less a well-deserved Champion.