Bath Championship SHow 2024

Judge Babs Munson (Pyrbern)

First and foremost, I must thank the committee of Bath Canine Society for inviting me to judge at their Show. It was an honour. To all those who entered I really do appreciate it. Fortunately the weather held and the forecast rain did not materialise. I must also thank my stewards who were wonderful and helped proceedings to go without any hitches. Without exception dentition was good, all exhibits had the required double dew claws and were well presented, although a couple were beginning to drop their coats.

Puppy Dog (1)
1. Pafaxen High In the Sky (R Bamford & C Church)
. 11 month old male of good height and sufficient bone. Head needs to develop as it is a bit narrow with a definite stop rather than a gentle slope. His eyes are a bit light but overall good pigmentation. Movement, at times, a bit erratic but he’s a puppy enjoying himself and he settled in later classes. BPD

Junior Dog (1)
1. Pafaxen High In The Sky
. As above.

Post Graduate Dog (1)
1. Pafaxen High In The Sky

Limit Dog (2, 1)
1. Sabre Golden Ticket Du Pyrdanti (Imp Fra) (G Woolf)
Tall lad almost 3yrs old. The most wonderful expression as expected in the breed. No coarseness but all male. Excellent head with subtle blaireau markings, small ears, lovely dark almond shaped eyes and good pigmentation. Correct coat texture with a coarse top coat. Movement was true, striding out well, keeping his topline. Correct angulation both front and rear. Handled well. RDCC

Open Dog (4, 1)
1. Ch Charibere Simply The Sequel at Kaianna JW. ( C Kenyon & A Ward)
Such a well put together young male, good head with dark eyes, small ears lovely expression. Handled very well which showed in his movement which was free flowing with drive, keeping his topline. Good angulation and proportions. DCC.
2. Jumicar Just An Illusion (M & J Carter) 4yr old who has wonderful dark blaireau head markings which enhance his great pigmentation with dark eyes and small well set ears. Tall lad who carries himself well on the move, although I have seen him move better, today he seemed a bit reluctant which was a shame.

Special Beginners Bitch (2)
1. Febus Hardknott (Mr & Mrs S Harris)
3yr old girl with all the right breed standard attributes. She has height with grace, and the most adorable expression giving the perfect Pyrenean smile. Head is of correct proportions, pigmentation superb and on the move she keeps her top line well. Angulation is good and she covers the ground well. She has the most wonderful hook at the end of her tail which is desired in the breed standard and not present in many exhibits. RBCC
2. Aurvandill Freya’s Thyra (B Stephens) young girl just 14 months old and has a bit of growing up to do, as is expected in a slow maturing breed. Nice head and good pigmentation, angulation good but needs to tidy up on the move as she is a bit close on the rear end. She has time on her side.

Veteran D/B (5, 1)
1. Ch Belshanmish Pretty In Pink ShCM ShCEx VW ( R & J Thorne)
Well what can I say about this girl that hasn’t already been said. Celebrating her 10th birthday in a week she looks and moves like a dog half her age. Her movement just gets better every time she goes round the ring. Not the tallest of bitches but so beautifully put together. The “distant aloof” expression so desired in the breed is there with dark eyes. Was pleased to award BCC, BV and BOB.
2. Ch/Swiss/Ir/Multi/Int Ch Lisjovia Boris Bear At Darmaror JW ShCM ShCEx CW19 (Lady S Reilly) at 7.5yrs old this lad is still happy in the ring, Nice dark eyes and small ears, subtle markings and presented in lovely condition. Moved out well and kept his topline nicely, still has the rear drive on the move.

Puppy Bitch (2)
1. Pafaxen A Million Dreams (R Bamford & C Church)
11 month old sibling to my PD but maturing a bit quicker. Good head with well set ears, almond shaped amber eyes and good pigmentation. Angulation coming on nicely with front a bit loose but will tighten with age. Moved well with her new handler BPB BPIB
2. Uttara Du Pyrdanti Myatoksci (Imp Fra) (D Cochrane) another 11 month old but younger. It was such a pity that this lass was being a bit shy to begin with although she did overcome it. She is a lovely girl developing well and great movement. Dark amber almond shaped eyes and coat of correct texture, long tail carried well on the move. As she matures she will be one to keep an eye on I feel, as today she did not do herself justice.

Junior Bitch (3)
1. Charibere Reason To Dream At Kaianna (C Kenyon & A Ward)
Subtle blaireau girl with a lovely head and expression, she has the PMD smile when she is on the move and her movement is balanced both moving away and back. Good angulation.
2. Aurvandill Freya’s Thyra see SB

Post Graduate Bitch (3)
1. Aurvandill Freya’s Thyra
see SB
2. Lisjovia Love On The Rocks For Myatoksci (D Cochrane)
Not the tallest girl but nicely put together, slightly long in the loin but moved out well, correct head shape with dark eyes, small ears and correct dentition. Moderate angulation and held her topline

Limit Bitch (5,1)
1. Febus Hardknott (Mr & Mrs S Harris)
1st SB
2. Belshanmish New Sensation At Pyrajay JW (R & J Thorne) Pale blaireau 3.5yr old. Good height with moderate angulation, correct head with good pigmentation , well set ears and dark eyes. Moved out well, a bit close on the front, nicely balanced free stand.

Open Bitch (2,1)
1. Ch Lisjovia White Lady Avec Montmusique JW ( C & K Goodwin)
A well muscled bitch just turned 3yrs old who was obviously enjoying her day out. Lovely head with gentle stop and dark amber eyes, small ears and nice expression. When settled she moved with drive and purpose.