SKC May 2023
Judge Mrs S Bird

PGD (2,1)
1 Baverstock Kalkasi Just Because JW; 20 months old & maturing nicely since I judged him as a puppy. Strong masculine head without being course, dark obliquely set eyes with good infill beneath, strong muzzle & well pigmented lips, nose & eye rims. Neat triangular ears lying close to head Strong neck going into powerful shoulders, well boned forelegs, nice breadth of chest & ribs going well back with firm loin, slightly sloping croup with muscular thighs with firm hocks, good tail set rising on move. Very steady fluid mover & in challenge really pushed open dog in challenge for CC, RCC. 
LD (5)
1 McBain’s Lisjovia Flaming Drambuie for Willmac; just coming up 2 years old, solidly built male, lovely broad masculine head in proportion to overall size, dark eyes set obliquely nice strength of muzzle with well pigmented lips rims & nose, strong underjaw, muscular neck & broad muscular shoulders, good spring rib & firm strong loin, slightly sloping rump with well-muscled thighs, firm hocks, well-padded feet. Good tail set & curled on move. It was his steady effortless movement won him this class. Nice harsh coat.
2 Kennedy & Roberts Chezanna Living the Dream for Joamjess; super boy & liked his overall proportions, very similar to first, although preferred firsts slightly better head proportions & felt he wasn’t as steady on move as first. 3 Blair’s Penellcy Bennington Bear
OD (4,3)
1 Pollard & Maggs Ch Gillandant Thief Of Hearts at Dewyche; another I’ve judged before & at 3 half he is fully mature & gives a lovely overall picture in profile. Solid head without coarseness dark expressive eyes obliquely set well filled in underneath, well pigmented lips, nose & rims, strong in muzzle, neck fairly short & strong with good lay back of shoulders, chest of good depth reaching elbows, well boned legs & parallel front & rear. Ribs extending well back & muscular loins, sloping croup with good rear angulations. Thick tail well set & raised on move. Coat thick profuse & course. CC BOB & PGroup 2
SBD (1)
1 Roberts’ Penellcy You Could Be Mine for Davandrey; just over 18 months with the happiest of natures he really did try his mums patience, but all credit she persevered & wouldn’t give into his wanting to act the clown. Once settle he has a pleasing head developing, dark eyes well pigmented rims, well placed ears, neck of good length & well placed shoulders, good length of rib & firm loin, good rear angulation & cracking tail set & he carried his tail well up on move, give him another year to mature in mind & body he will be a super boy. 
JB (1)
1 Baverstock Kalkasi Star Of The Stage; 14 months old & needs to fill out. Feminine head obliquely set dark almond shaped eyes, well places triangular ears lying close to head, muzzle of sufficient width for age, lovely dark pigmentation to nose, lips & rims, neck of good length going into well placed shoulders, ribs extending well back & firm over loin, well rounded croup with good rear angulation, steady on move just needs time to develop. 
PGB (3)
1 Flounders’ Kalkasi Just Imperial At Lakamoni; Lovely feminine bitch of good size just 18 months & although coat was blowing you could see he lovely shape, nice width to head, dark almond eyes, well placed close fitting ears, muzzle strong, neck of good length, shoulders well laid back, chest just to elbows, ribs well back, strong over loin, slightly sloping croup & muscled hindquarters, tail thick & carried up on move, just needs time to develop.
2 Holmes Lisjovia Hanky Panky; liked this youngster very much lovely balanced shape in profile & both front & rear, slightly smaller than first but lovely for breed type. Really moved effortlessly.
3 Baverstock’s Kalkasi Star Of The Stage; 
LB (6)
1 Goodwin’s Lisjovia White Lady Avec Montmusique JW; just over 2 years old & starting to blow her coat which did make her look slightly longer in body but when you get hands on she is beautifully balanced, lovely width to skull with feminine expression, dark almond eyes with good pigmentation to rims, lips & nose, muzzle strong & good strength to underjaw with lips tight, neck muscular, shoulders well laid back, good spring rim & firm over loin, muscular hindquarters with good bend stifle & hocks firm, well boned legs, tail carried up on move, won his class on her easy unflagging movement, in challenge she really moved out. RBCC
2 Flounders’ Kalkasi Just Imperial At Lakamoni; winner of last class
3 Kennedy & Roberts Kalkasi Shadow Chaser for Joamjess 
OB (5,2) Three super quality bitches & I had a job to split them, in end it was purely overall balance & movement. So comments could apply to all three here. All had very feminine heads with that pleasing intelligent expression, dark almond eyes well pigments rims, strong muzzles with good lip & nose pigment, strong muscular neck good depth chest & shoulders had a good lay back, rib lengths where good & loins strong, well-muscled hindquarters & lovely strong bone,
1 Goodwin’s Ch Lisjovia Adagio Avec Montmusique; just felt this bitch had the slightly better freer movement. Although in challenge her kennel mate pulled out that little extra.
2 Baverstock’s Kalkasi The Eternal Chase JW; preferred this bitches head but not quite movement of first but on another day they could be other way round.
3 Wilcock’s Ch Penellcy She’s Like The Wind 
VB (1)
1 Thorne’s Ch Belshanmish Pretty in Pink at Pyrajay Sh.CM; 9 year old bitch ultra-feminine & also very fit. Usually dogs loose muscle over the head with age but his bitch still has strong head but not course, her dark almond shaped eyes are still bright with a melting expression, with good infill underneath, muzzle broad & dark well pigmented lips, nose & eye rims, neck muscular & firm, shoulders well placed, ribs well sprung & loin firm with well-rounded croup, excellent muscle tone to hindquarters with good bend stifle & firm hocks all this shows in her ground covering easy gait, coat thick & maybe a little soft but I could forgive that on age, in challenge she really was powerful & more than worthy of CC. Pleased to see her win Pastoral Veteran Group 1