SEPMDC Championship Show 2nd April 2023

Judge: Mrs Christine Edwards (Shanlimore)

I would like to thank the SEPMDC committee for inviting me to judge their Championship Show and their warm welcome. I had a lovely day and thankyou to the exhibitors for allowing me to judge your beautiful Pyreneans, thankyou also to Marion and Christine for your hard work in the kitchen doing a great job with the lunches and a big thankyou to my very efficient steward Neil Hood. I am grateful to Claire Pafaxen for the beautiful bags that she supplied to me, they were fantastic and the main winners were delighted to receive them, I was also delighted with the thoughtful gift that I received from the committee, I will treasure it.

Minor Puppy Dog (1 entered)
1 st , Munson’s Travis Bear Du Pyrdanti For Pyrbern (Imp Fra)
, 8 months, lovely head, dark eye, black pigmentation, good dentition, level back, good tail set, moved well when settled, really enjoyed himself, “Best Puppy in Show”.

Puppy Dog (1 entered)
1 st , Munson’s Travis Bear Du Pyrdanti For Pyrbern (Imp Fra)

Junior Dog (1 entered)
1 st , Munson’s Travis Bear Du Pyrdanti For Pyrbern (Imp Fra)

Maiden Dog (No entries)

Novice Dog (No entries)

Undergraduate Dog (1 entered)
1 st , Woolf ‘s Sabre Golden Ticket Du Pydanti (Naf Taf)
, 20 months, nice head and eye colour, tight lips, good shoulder placement, good bone, moved well, immaculate coat condition, very promising youngster.

Graduate Dog (No entries)

Post Graduate Dog (3 entered,1absent)
1 st, Woolf ‘s Sabre Golden Ticket Du Pydanti (Naf Taf)
2 nd , Henson & Dearman’s Lisjovia Eternal Guardian for Pyrekees
, heavier in head, good dentition and pigment, good body proportion, well boned, moved well and wheeled his tail on the move.

Limit Dog (7 entered, 3 absent)
1 st, Carter’s Jumicar Just An Illusion
, good pigment and eye colour, correct dentition, prefer less stop, good ear placement, good bone, tight feet, in good coat condition, moved well.
2 nd, Spier’s Belshanmish Midnight Magic, light blaireau head markings, correct dentition and eye colour, good ear set, well boned, lovely coat condition, decided to pace around the ring when moving.
3 rd, Duffell’s Ricaduffal Draco Star, all in proportion but would have preferred more height, good pigment and eye colour, heavy blaireau body markings, good dentition, moved steady.

Open Dog (4 entered, 2 absent)
1 st, Kenyon & Ward’s Charibere Simply The Sequel At Kaianna JW
, loved his head and expression, black pigment and dark eye, good length of neck going down to correct shoulder placement, tight feet, level topline, correct angulation, immaculate coat condition, moved with drive, well deserved his “1 st CC, Best of Breed and Best in Show”.
2 nd, Pollard & Magg’s Ch Gillandant Thief of Hearts At Dewyche, another great dog, could have gone either way, very masculine boy with a lovely head, dark pigmentation, good dentition, straight front, level topline , good angulation, tight feet, good tail length, moved with drive, “Reserve Dog CC and Reserve Best in Show.”

Veteran Dog (3 entered, 1 absent)
1 st, Waters’ Zagal De Alba De Los Danzantes With Sketrick (Imp Esp)
, 7 years old, lovely head, good black pigment, correct dentition, good bone and length of leg, level topline which he kept on the move, in good coat order, never stopped wagging his tail enjoying his day out, “Best Veteran in Show.”
2 nd, Thomas’ Shiresoak Snow Patrol, 8 years old, nice blaireau markings and good pigment, in good coat order, decided to pace all the way around the ring.

Veteran Bitch (2 entered, 1 absent)
1 st , Thorne’s Ch Belshanmish Pretty In Pink at Pyrajay ShCM ShCEx VW
, all white bitch with good pigment and dentition, level topline and good angulation, tight feet, immaculate presentation, moved steady around the ring.

Puppy Bitch (2 entered, 1 absent)
1 st , Fieldhouse & Haslett’s Tessa Du Massif De L’Esteral (Imp Fra)
, 9 months, all white showing good pigment, correct dentition, moved well when settled, enjoying her day giving her owner a hard time.

Junior Bitch (No entries)

Maiden Bitch (2 entered, 1 absent)
1 st , Fieldhouse & Haslett’s Tessa Du Massif De L’Esteral (Imp Fra).

Novice Bitch (1 entered)
1 st , Harris’ Febus Hardknott
, very pretty appealing head, dark pigment, correct dentition and ear placement, good shoulder placement level topline and rear angulation, moved with drive, considered her for RCC very promising.

Undergraduate Bitch (1 entered)
1 st, Bhattacharya Jumicar Uptown Girl
, in good coat order, well boned, good pigment & good ear placement, wheeled her tail on the move, moved well around the ring.

Graduate Bitch (4 entered, 1 absent)
1 st, Harris’ Febus Hardknott.
2 nd, Carter’s Jumicar Moonstone
, nice head with light blaireau markings, good dentition, in good coat order, good bone, tight feet, moved well.
3 rd, Bhattacharya Jumicar Uptown Girl.

Postgraduate Bitch (5 entered, 1 absent)
1 st, Goodwin’s Lisjovia White Lady Avec Montmusique JW
, beautiful girl, good head, pigment and expression, correct shoulder placement, level topline, good bone and angulation, very sound on the move.
2 nd, Hopkins’ Lisjovia Sweet But Psycho, feminine head, good eye shape and expression, dark pigment, good level topline and angulation, tight feet, very sound on the move.
3 rd, Carter’s Jumicar Moonstone.

Limit Bitch (6 entered, 2 absent)
1 st, Hopkins’ Lisjovia Sweet But Psycho.
2 nd, Henson & Dearman’s Lisjovia Witches Promise For Pyrekees
, lovely girl, good head, good topline, tight feet, in good coat order, moved well very balanced.
3 rd, Asher’s Patablanca Phoenix, lovely attractive head markings with good pigment and dentition, good leg length, level topline, moved well.

Open Bitch (5 entered, 2 absent)
1 st, Pollard’s Gillandant Xmas Spice
, 7 years old and in top condition, loved her head and outline, good dentition and dark pigment, good shoulder placement and level topline, moved steady, gave her the “Bitch CC” and made her up to Champion today, Congratulations.
2 nd, Wilcock’s Ch Penellcy She’s Like The Wind, all white, lovely head and pigment, good shoulder placement, level topline, good angulation, clean outline, moved out well around the ring, “Reserve Bitch CC”.
3 rd, Tadd’s Kricarno Katchmeifyoukan, a lot to like about her, lovely head, black pigment, good lay of shoulder, good front , level topline, moved well. Three beautiful bitches.

Brace (3 pairs entered, 2 pairs absent)
1 st, Henson & Dearman’s
, moved out well together, well done.

Dog CC. Kenyon & Ward’s Charibere Simply The Sequel At Kaianna JW
Reserve Dog CC. Pollard & Magg’s Ch Gillandant Thief of Hearts At Dewyche
Bitch CC. Pollard’s Gillandant Xmas Spice
Reserve Bitch CC’ Wilcock’s Ch Penellcy She’s Like The Wind
Best in Show. Kenyon & Ward’s Charibere Simply The Sequel At Kaianna JW
Reserve Best in Show. Pollard & Magg’s Ch Gillandant Thief of Hearts At Dewyche
Best Opposite Sex. Pollard’s Gillandant Xmas Spice
Best Puppy in Show. Munson’s Travis Bear Du Pyrdanti For Pyrbern (Imp Fra)
Best Veteran in Show. Waters’ Zagal De Alba De Los Danzantes With Sketrick (Imp Esp)