SEPMDC Open Show 1/6/23 Emma Downes ( Belshanmish)

Firstly, with thanks to the SEPMDC for allowing me to Judge this show, the picnic and trophies on show were delightful, thank you so much also for my Gift, I will treasure this.
Now my thanks to exhibitors’ who showed all their dogs in what was heat after a dull and overcast, cold morning. All dogs had correct dewclaws and good teeth, most were clean, a mixture of heads and some overweight, overall a good showing of our Breed at present

MPDB No Entries
Puppy Dog 1 Entry
1st Travis Bear Du Pyrdanti for Pyrbern (Imp Fra)
Coloured Face and Body, Nice Pigment, In great puppy Coat, Good size for his age, Lovely long tail, and great muscle, has a nice head of breed standard and eye shape and colour, Still very raw, he was today giving his mum a run for her money but having the best fun, will in time mature
Junior Dog
1st Travis Bear Du Pyrdanti for Pyrbern (Imp Fra)
Yearling Dog
1st Kalkasi Just Because JW
Loved this youngster, beautiful head and lovely expression, lovely black pigment, of good bone, good height, with long neck, coat beautifully prepared, nice cat like feet, tight mouth, moved well with purpose, will, I'm sure hit top awards
Novice Dog No Entries
Undergraduate Dog No Entries
Post Graduate Dog 2 Entries
1st Sabre Golden Ticket Du Pyrdanti (Imp Fra)
Lovely head of breed type, excellent wheel on the move in tail, good strong bone, good in height of shoulder, nice pigment, tight mouth, muscled well, moved well nice angulation, nice neck line to shoulder, well-constructed dog
2nd Lisjovia Eternal Guardian For Pyrekees
Tall boy, much stronger head than 1, heavy with colour, deep muzzle, moved well, and excellent pigment, of good bone and substance, long in body matching height, just preferred head of 1
Limit Dog 4 Entries, 2 Absent
1st Shanlimore Marvin
Lovely movement on this youngster, tight mouth, lacking a little coat today, nice pigment, moved true and level slightly quicker on the move would show more extension of reach, super gait, tight feet lovely head and expression, would like a little more weight, tail wheeled on the move, up and coming youngster
2nd Ricaduffal Draco Star
6 years old heavy coloured dog, with strong head and strong lines, tight mouth, excellent pigment and good teeth for age, in full coat today and excellent muscle, lovely dark eyes and excellent shape and would like less weight to be carried and movement would speed up, wasn’t in the mood to move today
Open Dog 4 Entries 1 Absent
1st Charibere Simply the Sequel at Kaianna JW
Lovely dog, beautiful head and expression, light coat, cat like feet, strong muscle and bone, lovely angulation, strong dark pigment, tight mouth, moved well and straight, level top line on the move, light on feet, good angulation, Maturing well, presented and handled excellently
2nd CH Gillandant Thief Of Hearts At Dewyche
ould swap places with 1 on any other day, difficult choice, solid beautiful dog, in good coat, taller than 1 lovely reach in movement, used the ring well, steady and true in movement, lovely expression in head and eyes, dark almond shaped eyes going through to lovely head and shoulders, excellent bone and muscle, all round top class male
3rd Jumicar Just an Illusion
Lovely male, with heavier head than 1 and 2, nice eye shape, lovely tight mouth, good pigment, coloured body, heavier in bone and muscle, nice strong neck line, lower in movement on the move

Veteran Dog or Bitch 3 Entries 1 Absent
1st Zagal De Alba De Los Danzantes with Sketrick (Imp Esp)
Lovely happy Male, his tail just would not stop wagging, lovely expression, well bodied, nice movement with good reach, excellent course coat, tight on feet, had the very true pyre smile, lovely wheel in tail when moving, 2nd Kricarno Kinetic
Lighter in eye than 1 much wider head and frame set, but nice head shape and ear set, wide in front, muscled well, and good tight mouth, very good for age

Puppy Bitch No Entries

Junior Bitch 2 Entries
1st Gillandant Jasmine
Loved this 13 month old bitch, beautiful head lovely eye and expression, reminded me of the Princess Diana eyes, a little worried today, but with time allowed me to go over her, of lovely bone and substance, lovely coat and prepared beautifully, nice ear set, beautiful long tail, light on her feet when moving,lovely movement, more shows will help,
2nd Kalkasi Star of the Stage
Nice bitch, tall in height, lovely head smaller than 1, with nice eye and shape, left her coat at home, smaller in frame than 1 nice feet, good bone and muscle, nice in movement, would like to see this bitch when mature
Yearling Bitch 1 Entry
1st Kalkasi Star of the Stage
Novice Bitch 1 Entry
1st Gillandant Jasmine
Undergraduate Bitch 1 Entry
1st Shanlimore Baby Love
Beautiful mouth, lovely pigment, nice full body, stand alone in the class, movement slow but steady, has a lovely type head, with ear set correctly, in full coat, med angulation, would like a little less weight
Postgraduate Bitch 5 Entries 0 Absent
1st Lisjovia White Lady Avec Montmusique JW
Loved this bitch, has loads of show potential, moves with stride and power, has a lovely smile on the move, correct type head, feminine, long in body, nicely presented, lovely top line, being super critical, would like a darker eye
2nd Febus HardKnott
Another nice bitch, lovely length of neck, moved well, but faster would be better, sat on nice tight feet, again presented well, lovely eye shape and head to ear ratio was perfect, tall and alert with handler, well boned and muscled, one to watch for
3rd Kalkasi Star of the Stage
Res Jumicar Moonstone
VHC Shanlimore Superstition
Limit Bitch 3 Entries 1 Absent
1st Lisjovia Witches Promise for Pyrekees
In great coat today, this bitch has beautiful movement would like a little more reach, on the stack a delight to view, nice front, well boned and muscled, lovely head feminine shape, nice angulation on the back, med to front, lovely long tail, with the crook at the base, great weight, another lovely bitch
2nd Ricaduffel Rock Star
This lovely girl did not want to move for her handler today, typical head shape, in full coat, nice pigment, and eye set with dark eyes, good teeth,
Open Bitch 5 Entries 0 Absent
1st Febus Anapeou JW
Love this bitch, perfect head shape lovely dark almond eye, nice tight mouth with smile on the move, presented excellently, strong dark black pigment, good height and lovely movement, nice neck line to a lovely front, great muscle and bone, very typical cat like feet and stands tall on her feet, very happy bitch and showed her socks off
2nd Jumicar Sweet Lady Luck
Loved the head on this bitch, smaller than one, lovely coat again presented well, nice head with excellent markings, again tight mouth, lovely eye shape, feet and bone beautiful, nice neck line to top line, straighter in back angulation but moved well just beaten on the day by 1
3rd CH Penellcy She’s Like The Wind
A bitch I have seen before and awarded high, today she just wasn’t as free in movement as normal, but an excellent bitch with kind almond shaped eyes and dark in colour, beautiful presented, in good coat, smaller in the line-up, lovely pigment, with lovely eye shape, and tight black pigmented mouth,
4th Ch Lisjovia Adagio Avec Montmusique JW
th Kricarno Katchmeifyoukan


1st Mr and Mrs Goodwin

2nd Mrs S Dearman and Mr M Henson

3rd Mr and Mrs Newland

4th Mrs J Carter