Paignton 2023
Judge - Louise Paterson

I would like to thank Paignton for inviting me to award my first set of Challenge Certificates in a breed that I adore and have been involved with for over 20 years. I would like to thank the exhibitors for their entry, their beautiful presentation of the dogs and for bringing such lovely pyrs for me today – there was not a single dog shown that I did not appreciate. I had some really difficult decisions to make which made this appointment very enjoyable. Thank you also for your sporting behaviour inside and outside of the ring. Points to watch – some tails were ‘just about’ the right length and some eyes were ‘a bit round’. Lovely to see the consistency in the movement and the balanced construction of most of the dogs. Luckily it was not too hot so the dogs were able to show me what they could do on the move. I felt that all of the dogs could have done the job they were bred to do and was encourage about their ability to set off – demonstrating an ability to sprint if needed. All dogs had the correct bite and double dewclaws. I was especially impressed to have so much choice for my best veteran. 
PD (1)
1 Baverstock’s Kalkasi King of Hearts – 7 months and absolutely gorgeous. Was not at all surprised to hear that he won Puppy Group 3 later on after winning Best Puppy in Breed. He is exactly as I would expect for his age. His head needs to develop but he has a lovely coat of correct texture, good bone, lovely topline, underline and outline. He definitely has elegance is well balanced and is of noble bearing. His pigmentation was black his eyes were almond-shaped and set obliquely with lovely eyeliner creating a lovely contemplative expression. Dentition correct and he has a strong neck. He is balanced in angulations with good angles on his shoulders. He has a slightly sloping rump and is not over angulated in his hindquarters. He has double dewclaws on both sides and his tail is of the correct length. His movement was driven by his hindquarters and he was definitely unflagging. Best Puppy in Breed and Puppy Group 3 
JD (1)
1 Munson’s Travis Bear Du Pyrdanti For Pyrbern (Imp Fra) – 1 year old dog who shows promise. His head has yet to develop but is of good shape. Eyes of good shape and colour, ears correct, correct dentition but loose lips at the moment. He is balanced front and rear with a good outline, topline and underline. His tail was the correct length. His movement was true backwards and forwards and I feel that more drive will come as he develops. Double dewclaws present 
YD (1)
1. Baverstock’s Kalkasi Just Because JW. Nearly 2 years old. Lovely size and stature. Another one showing a lot of promise and I cannot wait to see him once he is more mature. He has a lovely topline, underline and outline and was moving steadily with drive from his hindquarters. He has lovely pigmentation and beautiful correct feet. 
PGD (1)
1. Dearman and Henson’s Lisjovia Eternal Guardian for Pyrekees- 2 year old. Quite broad in the muzzle his head is still developing. He has nice eyes, good ears and a good outline, topline and underline. He moved steadily and would benefit from having tighter feet.
LD (2,1)
1. Meakin’s Royaume Falkor Du Neouvelle (Imp Fra) -3 years old. A lively lad with a lovely head and beautiful eyes. He has good bone and was sadly a bit out of coat. He has a lovely outline, topline and underline. I would prefer his tail to be a bit longer. He certainly would not struggle to do the job and is another I look forward to seeing when he is more mature. 
OD (4,1) This class was full of quality and I feel that all of these dogs could change places.
1. Pollard and Magg’s CH Gillidant Thief of Hearts at Dewyche – nearly 4 years old and the finished article. In full coat he absolutely owned the ring and was later shortlisted in the group. He is a powerful and imposing dog with a certain elegance. He is strongly built but not cumbersome. He has a lovely head with a typical expression and good pigmentation. Lovely eyes and ears, correct dentition and not too loose in the lips. He has lovely feet, a good outline, underline and topline and definitely drives from powerful hindquarters on the move. He was beautifully presented with a good undercoat and topcoat of coarser texture. He has the mane round his neck and shoulders and fringed forelegs and the pantaloon effect on the rear. Dog CC, Best of Breed and Group Shortlist.
2. Kenyon and Ward’s CH Charibere Simply The Sequal At Kaianna JW – Nearly 3 years old with a lovely head and expression. His ears and eyes are correct and he has correct dentition. Seemed unsettled today. Lovely outline, underline and topline with a good summer coat. When settled moved with drive from the hindquarters, he was definitely unflagging and balanced. He has lovely pigmentation, feet and bone.
3. Downes CH Rivergroves All the Right Moves Li At Belshanmish (Imp USA) – 7 year old. Can still move well and has a great outline, underline and Topline. I really liked him. 
VD (2,1)
1 Downes’s CH Belshanmish Orange Crush – 9 years old and absolutely on top form today. Lovely head with good bite, ears and eye shape. He went round the ring like he owned it and is in full coat of correct texture. Beautifully presented he loves to show and has a great outline, underline and topline. Today he really pushed for top honours and could not be denied the Reserve CC and Best Veteran in Breed. 2 Stratton-Baldwin’s Kricarno Kinetic – 7 years old. Broader in skull and heavier in head with a lovely coat of correct texture. Moving well with balance front and rear and good drive. 
JB (2)
1. Baverstock’s Kalkasi Star of the Stage – 17 months with a beautiful head, good bone, lovely feed and good bite. Great outline, underline and topline with huge promise for the future.
2. Cole’s Gillandant Jasmine – 15 months with good bone, lovely feet and lovely eyes. Good outline, underline and topline. Correct bite and lovely head. Moving well once settled sadly out of coat today. 
YB (2)
1. Baverstock’s Kalkasi Star of the Stage – see Junior Bitch
2. Miss Coles’s Gillandant Jasmine – see Junior Bitch

PGB (4)
1. Baverstock’s Kalkasi Star of the Stage – see Junior Bitch and I understand this gives her the final points needed for her Junior Warrant – Congratulations and well deserved.
2. Downes’s Belshanmish Ocean Soul – 18 months and a bit fidgety today. Lovely head with correct dentition, eyes and ears. She has a good coat, outline, topline and underline. Close decision between 1 and 2 however 1 was definitely putting on a show and moving more steadily.
3. Flounders’s Kalkasi Just Imperial at Lakamoni – Nearly 2 years old. Sadly out of coat today. She has good pigmentation, lovely eyes and ears with head a little broad at the moment. Moving well with drive from hindquarters she is balanced front and rear and has a lovely outline, topline and underline. 
LB (4)
1. Goodwin’s Lisjovia White Lady Avec Montmusique JW – 2 years old with a lovely head, good pigmentation. Lovely eyes, ears and expression. Beautiful outline, underline and topline. Moving with drive from hindquarters and very balanced angulations. She has lovely feet. She stepped up in the challenge to take the Bitch CC (her second I understand)
2 Flounders’s Kalkasi Just Imperial at Lakamoni – Please see Postgraduate Bitch
3. Thorne’s Belshanmish New Sensation at Pyrajay (Ay1) JW – 2 year old bitch with beautiful markings and a lovely muzzle. Good outline, topline and underline. Moving with drive from the hindquarters. Definitely lost out on maturity today and I look forwards to seeing her in the future. 
OB (4,1)
1. Baverstock’s Kalkasi The Eternal Chase JW – 3 years old with a spring in her step. She has great pigmentation, a lovely expression, great outline, topline and underline. She has lovely eyes and ears and correct bite. Moving with drive from the hindquarters. Reserve CC
2 Flounders’s Sketrick Papagena at Lakamoni (AI) – 6 years old with a lovely head. Beautiful eyes and ears and expression. Good outline, underline and topline. Moving with drive from the hindquarters.
3. Goodwin’s Ch Lisjovia Adagio Avec Montmusique – Now 5 years old – I still like her. She has a lovely expression. She does not have the size or stature of 1 and 2 but good things come in small packages. She has a lovely coat, outline, topline and underline and moves with drive from the hindquarters. 
VB (1)
1. Thorne’s CH Belshanmish Pretty in Pink at Pyrajay ShCM, ShCex, VW, 9 years old. With a lovely outline, underline and topline, good skull and lovely feet. She floats round the ring and loves to show.