Border Union 2023
Jadge  Steve Bennett

PD (1)
1 BPD BP - Polar Light Royal Salute (Hopkins) 6-month-old, very promising with a wonderful expression and eager attitude good tempered lad. Took a while to settle moving on the lead, but when he did demonstrate his potential. Balanced head to body proportions, solid boned. Wedge shaped head, skull equal in width to length. Distinct furrow, black nose and roof of mouth, scissor bite. Dark almond shaped eyes, distinctive white eyelashes. Black rims, solid pigmentation throughout. Ears of good size, rounded tips flat against head. And shape root of ears level with eyes. Good front and rear angulations, front legs straight and true. Flexible pasterns and distinct carpus. Level topline, chest depth reaching down to well positioned elbows exceptionally good width of brisket, and length and spring of ribs. Rear feet facing slightly outwards. Tail to below hocks. Good condition and well coated with good feathering on all legs. All present strong double dewclaws. 
YD (1)
1 Penellcy You Could Be Mine for Davandrey (Roberts) Nineteen months old character well boned throughout lad. Blunt ‘v’ shaped head balanced in size with body and size of the skull, strong moderate muzzle tapering to Black nose. balanced in length to head ratios, with a gently rising slope and furrow. Scissor bite. Dark almond eye rims solidly pigmentated. Ears of good size rounded tips carried flat against head, roots level with eyes. Good reach of neck well coated with mane. Good angulations, Front legs well feathered. Chest depth reaching to below elbows good width to brisket and length and spring of ribs. Level topline. Gentle raising of underline. Rear legs straight and parallel Tail reaching to hocks in repose and carried high on the move. All dew claws present. Calm lovely temperament. 
PGD (2,1)
1 Belshanmish Dark Star (Williams & Hall) Sixteen-month-old Keen eager still developing juvenile dog who is a character and incredibly affectionate. Blunt ‘v’ shaped head of good size in proportion with body and size of the skull solid moderate muzzle balanced in length to head with a gently rising slope between the two. Muzzle tapering to nose. Black pigmented roof of mouth. Teeth in good condition, scissor bite. Black nose dark almond eye, obliquely set, rims solidly pigmentated, white eye lashes. All dew claws good size and present. Ears of good size rounded tips flat against head. Good reach of neck well coated with mane. Good front angulations front legs well feathered straight and parallel, with flexible sloping pasterns with distinct carpus, front facing feet. Well boned throughout. Chest depth above elbows ample width of brisket, ribs good shape and sprung. Tail reaching to hocks. Rear feet when stood facing slightly outwards. 
LD (2)
1 Lisjovia Flaming Drambuie for Willmac (McBain) Two years old Proportionate head and body ratios. Blunt ‘v’ shaped head of substantial size in proportion with body and size of the skull solid moderate muzzle balanced in length to head with a gently rising slope between the two. Muzzle tapering to nose. Good condition teeth, scissor bite. Black nose. Dark pigmentated roof of mouth. Dark almond eye obliquely set rims solid pigmentation, white eye lashes. Decent sized ears rounded tips flat against head. Good reach of neck well coated with mane. Good balanced front and rear angulations front legs well feathered straight and parallel, forward-facing feet. Well boned throughout. Chest depth reaching to below well positioned elbows, good width of brisket and length and spring of ribs. Strong tip of tail reaching to hocks. Dew claws present. Free and easy on the move with plenty of drive.
2 Vis’kali’s Hazuki Del Avantgarde (Imp Swe) (Ai) (Shepherd) three-year-old. Curved sloping wedge shaped skull, distinct furrow. Black nose ears with rounded tips roots level with brown almond shaped eyes white eye lashes. Flat triangular rounded tipped ears held flat to head. Front straight legs. Good reach of maned neck. Depth and reach of chest ribs reaching to elbows. Front legs straight flexible pasterns, with distinct carpus. Strong loin. Good condition coat. Tail to below hocks. Steady on the move. 
OD (2)
1/RDCC Ch/Swiss/Ir/Multi/Int Ch Lisjovia Boris Bear at Darmaror JW ShCM ShCEx Cw19 (Reilly) Proportionate sized, balanced, Solid, and well boned, muscled masculine six-year-old dog, who has an aura and demonstrating loyalty. Balanced head and body ratios. Head blunt v / wedge shaped. Curved skull equal in width and length and muzzle in harmony with head joined by a moderate curving slope between them and furrow defined. Good sized Black nose, scissor bite. Dark almond shaped eyes, triangular shaped ears with rounded tips medium front angulation and straight legs, flexible pasterns, carpus distinct. Good reach of a well maned neck. Sturdy shoulders close to body good front medium angulation. Good depth of chest, width of brisket, and reach and ribs coming to below well-set positioned elbows. Front legs straight well boned, carpus distinct and flexible pasterns. Level topline, strong Loin with good waist and tuck up. Excellent rear angulation with good bend of stifle, strong straight hocks, and straight legs with feet facing very slightly outwards. Broad based tail that bone tapered to well below hocks. All dewclaws present. Well coated coarse texture outer hair throughout complementing his tail.
2 Charibere Simply The Sequel at Kaianna JW (Kenyon & Ward) Two-year-old well-constructed and boned, muscled good height and body without coarseness, masculine, dog with good expression and nice temperament. Proportionate sized head too body ratio. Wedge shape blunt V head. Curved skull equal in width and length and muzzle in balance with head joined by a distinct sloping furrow giving a distinct between them and Black nose teeth in excellent condition, scissor bite. Dark roofed mouth. Dark almond shaped eyes, solid pigmentation. Triangular shaped ears with rounded tips. Balanced front and rear angulation front straight legs. Good reach of a well maned neck. Good depth, width and reach of chest ribs reaching to well-set positioned elbows. Level topline, strong Loin with waist and tuck up. Good bend of medium stifle, strong hocks, and parallel straight legs with feet facing acceptably facing slightly outwards. Broad based tail that bone tapered to hocks. All dewclaws present. Well coated, good featherings very well presented. 
VD (1)
1 DCC Lisjovia Takahashi JW ShCM (Holmes) 7-year-old attentive gentle impressive boy. Balanced, Solid, with substantive bone and muscled, Proportionate size, masculine, and somewhat surprised was not a champion which shows just the depth the PMD breed has. Wedge shaped balanced head and body ratios with proportionate length of muzzle. Black nose, scissor bite, dark almond eyes, Solid pigmentation, good mane on strong neck. good balanced front and rear angulations, good depth to well positioned Elbows and width of chest and reach with spring of ribs towards loin. Good tuck up. Level topline, good bend of stifle Tail below parallel hocks. All double dewclaws present. Well coated and presented throughout, supple, Fluid, strong, agile, even movement driving without wasting energy. Today was his day in the ring to display his attributes. 
PB (1)
1/BPB Polar Light Pride of America (Imp Usa) NAF (Holmes & McBain) Six-month-old litter sister to BPD / BPB In her class initially had more life and energy than her brother, but the roles reversed for the challenge. Very promising well boned, happy expression and enjoying her class experience, keen to please and nice temperament. Balanced Wedge-shaped head to body proportions, skull equal in width to length with balanced muzzle. Distinct furrow, Black nose and roof of mouth, scissor bite. Dark almond shaped eyes, distinctive white eyelashes. Black solid pigmentated rims. Ears of good size, rounded tips flat against head, root of ears level with eyes. Good front and rear angulations, Front legs straight and parallel. Flexible pasterns and carpus distinct. level topline, Chest depth reaching down to well positioned elbows exceptionally good width of brisket and length and spring of ribs. Rear feet facing slightly outwards. Tail to below hocks. Good condition and well coated with feathering on all legs. All double dewclaws present. 
YB (1)
1 Febus Meillon (Mckenzie) 20-month-old Feminine, moderate bone, alert expression, proportionate head and body ratios, curved skull equal in width and balanced length of muzzle. large Black nose, scissor bite full dentation. Stop noticeable and slight discernible furrow. Dark eyes with solid black pigmentation throughout. White eyelashes. Roots of flat rounded tipped ears level with eyes. Ample reach of neck. Depth of chest reaching elbows with good width of brisket. Balanced front and rear angulation and lay of shoulder, straight parallel feathered front legs with feet placed forward. Level topline, nice reach and length to ribs, good tuck up, feet facing slightly outwards. All dewclaws present. Strong J tipped furred plumed tail tapering to straight parallel hocks. Unfortunately moulting coated. Her movement continued to improve the more she went around the ring in an easy ground covering movement. 
GB (1)
1 Febus Meillon (Mckenzie) 20-month-old Feminine, moderate bone, alert expression, proportionate head and body ratios, curved skull equal in width and balanced length of muzzle. large Black nose, scissor bite full dentation. Stop noticeable and slight discernible furrow. Dark eyes with solid black pigmentation throughout. White eyelashes. Roots of flat rounded tipped ears level with eyes. Ample reach of neck. Depth of chest reaching elbows with good width of brisket. Balanced front and rear angulation and lay of shoulder, straight parallel feathered front legs with feet placed forward. Level topline, nice reach and length to ribs, good tuck up, feet facing slightly outwards. All dewclaws present. Strong J tipped furred plumed tail tapering to straight parallel hocks. Unfortunately moulting coated. Free and her movement continued to improve the more she went around the ring with an easy ground covering movement. 
PGB (4,1)
1 Lisjovia White Lady avec Montmusique JW (Goodwin) Bouncy and full of herself two-year-old Moderately boned placid girl, curved skull equal in width and balanced length of muzzle. Black nose large nostrils, Scissor bite full dentation. Roof of mouth with good dark pigmentation. Dark almond shaped eyes with solid pigmentation throughout. Roots of flat ears rounded tipped level with eyes. Short well-coated maned neck. Depth chest reaching elbows good width of brisket. Level topline, good reach of ribs to Loin gently tucked up. Balanced front and rear angulations, good length and lay of shoulder front legs straight and parallel with feet standing true. Good bend of stifles with hocks let down straight and parallel. Well furred compact feet, rear feet facing outwards. Tail tapering to well below hocks. All dewclaws present.
2 Belshanmish Ocean Soul (Downes) Sixteen-month-old, nice looking girl good solid bone, alert expression, balanced head and body ratios, blunt v wedge shaped head, curved skull equal in width and proportionate length of muzzle. large Black nose with large nostrils, scissor bite, full dentation. Stop noticeable, discernible furrow. Dark eyes with solid pigmentation throughout. White eyelashes. Triangular fair-sized round tipped ears. Good reach of neck. Depth of chest reaching elbows, good width of brisket, and length to ribs, Balanced front and rear angulation and lay of shoulder, straight parallel feathered front legs with carpus distinct and feet placed forward. Level topline, rear feet facing slightly outwards. All dewclaws present.
3 Lisjovia Hanky Panky (Holmes) 
LB (4,2)
1 Febus Anapeou JW (Bowker & Gibson) Twenty-month-old energetic lady of good size, Blunt ‘v’ shaped head balanced size with body and size of the skull strong moderate muzzle tapering to Black nose. balanced in length. Scissor bite. Dark almond eye rims solidly pigmentated. Ears of good size rounded tips flat against head, roots level with eyes. Good reach of neck well coated with mane., Front legs well feathered. Chest depth reaching to elbows good width of brisket and length and spring of ribs. Level topline. Tail reaching to hocks.
2 Lisjovia Sweet But Psycho (Hopkins) Well-built Good-sized bone, very laid back, calm, and quiet with proportionate head and body ratios, curved skull equal in width and balanced length of muzzle. large Black nose, scissor bite. Stop noticeable and discernible furrow. Dark eyes with solid black pigmentation throughout. Roots of flat rounded tipped ears level with eyes. Strong reach of well-coated maned neck. Depth chest reaching elbows with good width of brisket. Good front angulation and lay of shoulder, straight parallel legs with feet placed forward. Level topline, nice reach and length to ribs, strong Loin with good waist and tuck up. Good Rear angulations and bend of stifle, feet facing slightly outwards. All dewclaws present. Strong well furred J tipped plumed tail tapering to straight parallel hocks.
 OB (2,1)
1/BCC/BOB Ch Lisjovia Adagio avec Montmusique JW (Goodwin) Well-built. Good-sized bone, lively alert expression, with proportionate head and body ratios, curved skull equal in width and balanced length of muzzle. large Black nose, scissor bite. Stop noticeable and discernible furrow. Dark eyes with solid black pigmentation throughout. Roots of flat rounded tipped ears level with eyes. Strong reach of well-coated maned neck. Depth chest reaching elbows with good width of brisket Good Front angulation and lay of shoulder, straight parallel legs with feet placed forward. Level topline, nice reach and length to ribs, strong Loin with good waist and tuck up. Good Rear angulations and bend of stifle, feet facing slightly outwards. All dewclaws present. Strong well furred J tipped plumed tail tapering to straight parallel hocks. Profusely coated of good condition. Free brisk smooth easy ground covering movement. 
VB (1)
1 RCC/BV Ch Belshanmish Pretty in Pink at Pyrajay ShCM ShCEx VW (Thorne) Seven years old sweet calm Girl with proportionate head and body. Balanced head with curving of skull equal in length and width. Muzzle balanced length to skull classic blunt V shape. Gentle slope with furrow between the eyes joining the muzzle and head. Black nose, good pigmentation, scissor bite. Dark almond shaped eyes obliquely set with white eyelashes Complimenting her expression. Triangular ears with rounded tips flat against the head. Short strong neck well maned. Medium angulation of front and rear shoulders well set to body, good depth of chest, ribs to below elbows well positioned good length of rib cage, straight back. Front legs straight and parallel with flexible pasterns. Good bend of stifle, strong hocks legs straight and parallel, rear feet faced slightly outwards. Good length of tail that descends below hocks. All dewclaws present. Thoroughly coated, including tail and leg featherings.